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Saber Rose



Saber Rose
This girl makes you think of an unstoppable hunting dog. She has droopy violet eyes that are like two windows on the evening sky. Her silky, straight, rose-red hair is waist-length and is worn in a style that reminds you of a trailing ribbon. She has a lean build. Her skin is light-colored. She has a pointed chin. Her wardrobe is sexy, and is mostly gray.

My second contest entry for the Seventh Sanctum Extreme Character contest!~

Originally, her name was going to be Angel Law, until I actually designed her. I remembered that :devViridian-Soul:'s entry, Gunner Rose, had red hair and fur on his outfit, so I was sort of like, WAITWAITWAIT, YOUR NAME ISN'T ANGEL, IT'S... -Clicking frantically at the Extreme Fantasy Name Generator.- (c'mon, something with Rose, something with Rose...) SABER ROSE. <3

But since :devViridian-Soul: hasn't been on since I decided her name is Saber Rose, so she may not be his (half?)sister, but someone who conveniently looks like him. >w<;

Awhile back, though, I got her permission to make his long-lost half-brother or something, but I kept procrastinating and couldn't come up with a decent outfit for him. So, evil-little half-vampire half-sister it is? xD;

See that box in her hand? It's the Box of the Keeper. She gonna steal your soul and feed it to that sword on her back. :<

Saber Rose (C) *Kylias

Edit:: I changed her name (again) to Saber Rose, to match Gunner better. c:
Image size
300x689px 121.01 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Kylias
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ViridianSoul's avatar
Awww she is extremely cute ^__^ A perfect sister for Gunner, lol. I'll fave this now, kthnx =D

btw, working on Gunners Dad... I have a sketch but he's sorta nekkid :XD:;